Ph.D. (Mathematics)

Salient features of the Ph.D. program

  • For full-time regular Ph.D. students, IIIT-Delhi provides attractive stipend of Rs.27,000/- per month in the first year and up to Rs.30,000/- after the 2nd Year.
  • An additional financial assistantship is available to Ph.D. students in Mathematics who are not on institute fellowship. In this setup, an extra compensation of ₹10,000 per month will be provided to a student opting for a Teaching Assistantship (TA) position. A student can opt for this position only after completing their Ph.D. program minimum requirements of being a TA for two semesters.
  • Financial support to present papers in top international conferences and to attend summer schools.
  • Students who are supported through external fellowships are eligible for Overseas Research Fellowships. The Overseas Research Fellowship (ORF) is designed to provide all Ph.D. students at the IIIT-Delhi to an exposure to international research environment. The goal is to facilitate a visit by a student to undertake research under the supervision of a reputed scholar abroad.
  • Students interested in acquiring a global exposure may enroll in the collaborative Ph.D. program with selected partner groups / institutes across the world.
  • Industry / employed persons have an option to pursue a sponsored full-time Ph.D. program.